Alaska Wing Men
Ridiculous. Though the fish spotting was interesting. The narrator describes every landing as critical, and every crosswind as death defying. Holy cow – if he ever flew with me and…
Corporate and GA Flying
Ridiculous. Though the fish spotting was interesting. The narrator describes every landing as critical, and every crosswind as death defying. Holy cow – if he ever flew with me and…
Today I had committed to taking care of my equipment. I spend about 6 hours under and over the wings and fuselage, except the high part of the rudder I…
Took the day off when I saw the weather forecast yesterday. Launched out of 33N after the fog cleared and visibility improved, and flew up to Lancaster to do some…
Flying the Twin Comanche has me routinely managing my approach speeds precisely right down over the runway threshold everytime. I have observed a number of pilots that seem to prefer…
Delta Fox is back online. The left prop issue was addressed by the overhaul shop and its back on the bird. Flight instruction is picking up too. I have three…